Payment methods

Checkout Blocks enables a number of customizations to payment methods powered by Shopify Functions. You can have up to 5 payment customizations active at once on your store. We currently offer three types of payment customizations:

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Customization types

  • Rename payment method: This allows renaming a payment method differently from the default name. It only works on payment methods that do not have a logo such as Cash on Delivery, etc. Currently, you can not conditionally rename payment methods using Checkout Blocks.
  • Reorder payment method: This allows for reordering payment methods. It's often used to change the default selected payment method since Shopify automatically selects the first payment method. Currently, you can not conditionally rename payment methods using Checkout Blocks but we are interested to hear more if you'd like to conditionally reorder.
  • Hide payment method: This allows for conditionally hiding payment methods based on a number of cart rules such as minimum spend, shipping destination, customer tag, or product collection.

Creating a payment customizations

To create a payment customization, navigate to Settings > Payments and scroll down to customizations. You will then be able to create a new customization and choose any payment customization available such as rename or reorder payment methods. Upon creating a payment customization, it's disabled. To enable, simply click the green Activate button. If you have a problem enabling your payment customization, check that you don't already have 5 enabled (Shopify limit).

Supported Rules

The following rules are supported on "hide payment method" customization. Submit a ticket if you require a specific rule not listed.

  • Cart attributes
  • Cart subtotal: Includes support for multi-currency.
  • Cart total: Includes support for multi-currency.
  • Cart total quantity
  • Cart has selling plan
  • Company
  • Customer is B2B
  • Customer is logged in
  • Customer order count
  • Customer lifetime spend
  • Customer email
  • Customer tags
  • Product collections
  • Product is gift card
  • Product type
  • Product vendor
  • Shipping country
  • Shipping province/state