Address autofill


The Address Blocker can block checkout when an address or specific components of an address are not allowed according to the rules you define.

Our address blocking behavior does not do address lookups or validation. We recommend installing a third party app for live validations (e.g: Is the address real?, etc.)

How to setup address blocking

In this video, we'll take a look at how to setup the Address Blocker rules and how to add it to checkout (

Supported Rules

The following rule types are supported for blocking checkout:

  • Address type: Block PO, USPS Gopost, Diplomatic, and Military
  • Zipcodes: Block specific zipcodes and zipcode ranges.
  • Ascii characters: Many shipping providers do not support emojis or special characters.
  • Character limits: Require a maximum character limit on any shipping address field.
  • Required fields: Require specific fields such as phone number.
  • Custom Regex rules: Apply custom regex (regular expressions) on any shipping address field.
  • Street numbers: This now requires using a custom regex rule for this.

Phone number formatting

Please note that Shopify will always remove parentheses and dashes from the address phone field when saving. As a result, you can't apply custom regex rules to the phone field that require these special characters. For example, (123) 456-7890 will always be formatted as 1234567890.

Error Messages & Multi-Language

We support 10 languages out of box when using default error messages. We also support adding your own error messages with multi-language support.

Shopify Markets

The Address Blocker supports selecting Shopify Markets that your rules apply to. However, we currently only allow the grouping of rules for a single market. Multi-market support is coming by end of 2024.

Custom rules using regular expressions (Regex)

If you need to block specific address formats, we recommend using our Custom rule which accepts any valid regular expression (regex). You can use a tool like or

Common regex examples

  • Block Japanese characters: /[一-龠]+|[ぁ-ゔ]+|[ァ-ヴー]+|[々〆〤ヶ]+/u